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Character Descriptions

Deja: Deja is a smart, loving, beautiful, put together, positive encourager who's a straight A-student, a friend to everyone and about as authentically confident as they come. She's every parent's dream child and the friend that most kids wish they had. She's the oldest of seven kids and in her senior year of high school. She works hard to make all of the great things happen in her life but it always pays off. It's hard to imagine anything going wrong for Deja.

Mad Deja: Deja's mad alter-ego. She is handling everything with anger, negativity and frustration. She feels powerless, worried, attacked, hurt and threatened. Quite simply, she says whatever comes to mind which is usually mean and she likes it. 

Scared Deja: Deja's scared alter-ego. She is handling life by appeasing, over-compensating with the fear of not being perfect. She is pushing everything too hard as there's no longer any self-awareness, only fear of not maintaining perfection. She feels undervalued, underappreciated, like a target and desperate at all times.

Whatever Deja: Deja's emotionless alter-ego. She has given up on everything and could careless about any decision, outcome, situation or person. She barely talks because it's the easiest way to avoid any kind of emotion. 

Young Deja: Deja's young version of herself that kicks everything into motion.

Preston: Now starting his Sophomore year of high school and second oldest of Deja's tribe, he is mirroring his big sister's path. He's put together and involved in so much from student council to band to being his friend's voice of reason at all times. He can thank his sister for that, too. The only thing Preston seems to be in need of these days is more time. Maybe he's involved in too much. If he is, it's not bothering him.

Liana: The third oldest and super striking at just 13, almost 14. Everyone in the family is scared of her growing up and graduating 8th grade at the end of the year because of one thing; boys. They notice her and she notices them. She seems to have the least amount of personality of any of Deja's tribe. While Deja is close to all of her siblings, there has always been some distance between Liana and her. 

Grant: Right smack in the middle, he is the absolute jock of the family at age 12. He's all about sports and winning but in an admirable way. It's not cocky, he's just super determined.

Brinley: She is the third youngest and the most free spirited of the bunch at just 10. This constant zen master is striving for peace, love and freaking awesomeness for everyone. She lives in two extremes; meditative and loud. If there's ever been a ying and yang all in one person, it's Brinley.

Jack: Jack is Deja's youngest brother at 8, almost 9. He is obsessed with all things science and space. He just might be the most book smart member of the family but definitely not the quickest on his feet, unless you are talking about science. The family is pretty certain that this kid is going to be the first astronaut on Mars. The only household debate is, who's name is he carving on the planet's surface first? One thing's for certain, it won't be his own. 

Gracelyn: She's the youngest of Deja's tribe. She's feisty but still sweet and is constantly trying to keep up with her six older siblings. Who exactly she'll end up being is anyone's guess. But she should probably start with not hiding every time they leave the house. It might up the possibilities for her future.

Emma: Emma is Deja's bestie, her lifer, her chosen family. She's goofy, smart and fiercely committed to her passions and friends. She will have Deja's back until the end of time and Deja will have hers. As long as they both stay true to themselves, there's nothing to worry about. 

Sadie: Deja's archnemisis since she was a kid. No matter what Deja does or tries to do, Sadie is always there to knock her down a notch. 

Miles: Deja's boyfriend and one of the most well-liked, all-around good guys of Ironwood High School.

April: One of Deja's sweetest friends who, innocently, is always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and is at least one solid step behind everything going on.

Liam: It's hard to call Liam the bad guy but he's that guy that the parents and teachers don't trust and neither do the kids. And there's good reason. Sly and manipulative but never dumb.

Quinn: A carefree soul who isn't interested in making anything of herself. At least not yet.

Remi: Remi is carefree, but deep down, she cares more than she lets on. But until then, you aren't going to get much out of her.

Snap Girls: A group of school girls who love drama and gossip above everything else. (Limited number of Snap Girls is 6 but can expand)


ADULT ROLES (Roles can also be played by youth but it is highly recommended that adult actors are used).

Dad: This dad is in-tune and leading his tribe with his wife. He's intuitive, playful and smart. He has the kids respect and he cherishes all of it.

Mom: Just like dad, this is a super mom giving everything she's got to raising her kids right while still enjoying it. Just as witty as her husband, she is ready for just about anything that comes her way. 

Mrs. Belanger: If any of us could have had a math teacher like Mrs. Belanger, than we all would have loved math. From the smartest kids to the ones who struggle, an authentic her is on display every day with her students which is why they are learning so much under her. She's wickedly witty and an expert in her field. The students love her.

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